Definitions Deconstructed
Demonic Criteria
S. G. Lacey
Even though this tale involves a pair of individuals named Shannon and Kelly, it doesn’t occur in an 18th century Irish pub near a cemetery, or on a Hollywood film set of a 90’s teenage horror spoof. These are the surnames for a pair of colleagues at Bell Labs’ New York City offices during the 1950’s.
This iconic research organization, with the corporate namesake originating from the founding father of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, has a storied and complex history. After the parent company’s establishment in the late 19th century, the renowned Bell Labs was independent from its 1925 creation until 1984, when the group merged will AT&T, then was spun back off for monopoly reasons just 12 years later. In 2016, Finnish telecom player Nokia acquired Bell Labs, including the extensive intellectual property portfolio.
Bell Labs has an impressively broad and technical resume of scientific contributions, from radio astronomy to the Unix operating system. Just in the decade following World War II, during which Mr. Shannon and Mr. Kelly worked together, the collection of novel researchers employed there developed a multitude of technologies which continue to influence modern daily life: solar cells, transatlantic cables, basic lasers, and MOSFET transistors.
In contrast to these various impressive physical inventions, some members of the elite scientific group at Bell Labs focused on analytical modeling pursuits like iterative codebreaking communications and algebraic digital circuitry. Both Kelly and Shannon were forerunners in the field of information theory, an innovative school of thought pioneered at Bell Labs during the middle of the 20th century.
The following pair of mathematical theorems developed by this dynamic duo of nerds are still relevant in the gambling and finance fields today. Both offerings focus on the principle of compound yields, which is associated with exponential arithmetic. The core concept underlying both algebraic formulas is the geometric drag on return, also known as the volatility premium.
Thus, it’s time for some precise definitions and mathematic proofs.
Shannon’s Demon = Two uncorrelated assets with a zero expected return can produce positive results, if combined and managed in the right way. [REF]
Claude Elwood Shannon’s life arc is impressive. Graduating from the University of Michigan, at just 20 years old, with dual bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering, just 4 years later, in 1940, he earned his doctorate in advanced math from MIT.
After college, Shannon quickly found his way to Bell Labs, starting out in the cryptography department during World War II, then expanding his research to a variety of seemingly disparate fields which, when combined, yielded numerous novel technological advances. After two decades in industry, this savant transitioned back to a professorship role back at his Massachusetts alma mater.
Mr. Shannon’s breadth of knowledge is highlighted by in the range of discoveries he facilitated, from Boolean algebra to arithmetic communication. Dubbed “the father of information theory”, he essentially conceived the now-ubiquitous digital circuit while at Bell Labs.
While diabolical in name, in this context, the term “demon” is simply technical jargon for a thought experiment. This nomenclature finds its origin in the field of thermodynamics, specifically envisioning an actual devilish creature as a means of violating this field’s infallible 2nd law. For Shannon’s postulation, as with the original fluid mechanics musing, unforeseen forces create unexpected outcomes.
In this case, “Shannon’s Demon” explains how counterintuitively combining a pair of investments which both have zero expected returns can yield a positive investment outcome. Impressively, even selecting a couple assets which both have negative outcomes can result in a profitable portfolio in the long run, simply through using the frequent resizing principles espoused by Mr. Shannon.
This analytical approach is based on the “random walk” distribution of performance, otherwise known as “martingale” in probability parlance. Most gambling activities, and many investment classes, exhibit such erratic behavior, with each subsequent result unknown, arbitrary, and unaffected by all prior activity.
In this case, a simple example everyone can relate to, flipping a quarter, helps clarify the various terminology.
A perfect coin, consistently alternating between heads and tails outcomes, with a 50% reward for guessing correctly, and a 33% loss when wrong, oscillates around the gambler’s starting outlay indefinitely. However, with 50% rebalancing, represented by taking half the potential winnings off the table after each flip, the overall bankroll continues to grow in value steadily.
Granted, an exact alternation of heads and tails isn’t feasible in real life, so care must be taken to size each bet accordingly. That topic will be covered in the next section.
As postulated, a pair of uncorrelated assets, each with a zero expected return, always yields a positive sum after a sufficient # of simulations, provided rebalancing occurs after each change in value. The plot below demonstrates how the wide dispersion of returns from a few neutral assets can be combined to generate a reliably positive band of profits through consistent portfolio adjustment.
This strategic, analytical approach used by Shannon takes advantage of “volatility drag”. Over time, there is a substantial difference between linear arithmetic and compound geometric average returns. If you make 10% on an investment one year, then lose 10% the next year, your portfolio is actually down 1%, as opposed to completely flat. Volatility drag grows exponential as the variability of the outcomes increase.
The compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of an asset, is linked to the arithmetic average, AVG, and the square of volatility, denoted by the standard deviation, SD, of the overall distribution, as shown in the following formula.
The frequently rebalanced portfolio exhibits less volatility than any of the constituents in the underlying asset mix, which explains the improvement in investment returns. Thus, Shannon’s Demon provides a means of potentially increasing performance, while minimizing incurred risks of an overall portfolio. Considering the underlying formula, this strategy works best with a pair of unique assets that have similar average expected proceeds, so the performance of one doesn’t dominate the other when blended.
There are a few caveats to the Shannon’s Demon phenomenon. The pair of holdings selected must be fairly volatile, and highly uncorrelated. Also, trading costs associated with rebalancing have to be negligible.
Conveniently, the current investing landscape, with overvalued stocks and bonds, makes introducing alternative asset classes enticing. In this era of ubiquitous ETF access for investors with very low online transaction fees, Shannon’s Demon is even more relevant today than when it was conceived nearly 70 years ago.
This general concept is tied to the financial industry saying that “the only free lunch in investing is rebalancing”. Periodic portfolio shifting doesn’t ensure improved returns when compared to the underlying assets, but gives the best chance for easy alpha generation. The level of Shannon’s Demon benefit actually realized is tied to the path of outcomes over time.
Kelly Criterion = Methodology that helps investors and gamblers calculate what percentage of their money should be allocated to each investment or bet. [REF]
This theorem is named after its creator, John Larry Kelly Jr., a young scientist at Bell Labs in 1956, when he conceived the concept. Kelly, born in 1923, served as a pilot in the U.S. Navy during World War II, then earned a undergraduate and advanced degrees in physics at the University of Texas, in his home state, before joining Bell Labs on the East Coast.
Though not as prolific as Claude Shannon from a career contribution standpoint, since this innovator unfortunately died at just 41 years old, the Kelly Criterion is the more well-known of these two theorems, as it applies to essentially all activities where thoughtful money management is required.
Using his analytical mind, the fairly simple formula listed to follow was derived from scratch by Mr. Kelly, using a mathematical proof based on an infinite number of simulated events. The only inputs required are W, the win probability, along with A and B, the experienced profit for a loss and win, respectively.
For many gambling activities, like blackjack, roulette, and horse racing, the result is binary, with nearly even odds, and a chance for 100% loss. In contrast, investing opportunities are much less likely to incur a catastrophic forfeiture.
For basic dual outcome scenarios, again like flipping a coin, the mathematical solution to Kelly’s equation can be easily found. Assuming a fair object, with the reward to the player doubling or having, W, A, and B are equal at 0.5, and the Kelly Criterion returns a value of 0. A rational result, since this event has no expected gain over the long run, so no money should theoretically be wagered.
As shown, the Kelly Criterion takes into account both the risk versus reward of the pending outcome, as well as the predicted volatility of the event. This variability term is often neglected, as it can be cancelled out for simple bipolar acts, but must be carefully considered in more complex scenarios.
Where the implied odds of the bet and the negative volatility drag equilibrate represent the optimal gambling strategy. This is the fundamental premise underlying the Kelly Criterion. A more complex scenario helps to highlight the nuances of the methodology.
Consider a potentially beneficial investment opportunity, with a 60% likelihood of success, yielding a 30% boost to initial capital, and an unfortunate 40% devaluation if things go awry. In this case, the Kelly Criterion arithmetic suggests a 17% portfolio weighting.
Generally, the derived formula attempts to balance the potential for leaving money on the table, with the chance of going broke. The calculation allows the potential to return values above 100%, suggesting that leverage should be used in such highly lucrative opportunities.
The determined Kelly Criterion represents an optimal upper limit for a bet, rather than a suggested value to center around. Wagering anything above this amount results in decreased average returns, with potential for catastrophic loss if too much risk is taken, as summarized in the graph below.
There is substantial variance around the estimated payout likelihood, which are the key input to the model. Using a fraction of Kelly allows most of the return to be generated, with much less hazard. Enlisting half Kelly results in capturing 75% of the potential gains, with just 25% of the experienced overall bankroll deviation. Thus, this conservative approach results in still-positive investment performance with smaller drawdowns.
Again, there as caveats to consider with the Kelly Criterion calculation. The formula requires assumptions for probability of outcomes, values which can be difficult to accurately determine in complex monetary activities. Still, a popular contrasting approach for determining portfolio sizing, Harry Markowitz’s mean variance optimization, relies on an estimated covariance matrix, which can be much more complicated to ascertain.
Also, enlisting Kelly’s full suggested allocation strategy results in highly concentrated portfolios of assets which have the greatest risk to reward payoff. However, this approach can be difficult to stomach from a behavioral standpoint for investors.
In practice, half or quarter Kelly allocations are used, even though this is less optimal from a purely statical mathematics standpoint. Such toning down is tied to the investing concept “margin of safety”, which helps avoid ruinous loss. Gambling addicts would be wise to heed such risk management methodologies.
The principles of Shannon’s Demon and the Kelly Criterion are well known, and have been utilized by some of the most famous bettors and investors of this modern financial era. Finding profitable opportunities to make money is just one piece of the puzzle. Managing portfolio risk and avoiding potential ruin is the key to longevity in any monetary pursuit.
Bell Labs innovation history by decade. [REF]
Shannon’s Demon modeled simulation results. [REF]
Investing benefits of the Shannon’s Demon approach. [REF]
Detailed analysis of the Kelly Criterion, including original mathematical proof. [REF]
Understanding the risks of using full Kelly Criterion bet sizing. [REF]